Slalomåkare som åker ned för pist i Orsa Grönklitt

Plan your trip to Orsa Grönklitt

When it's time to dream away about the next adventure

Beautiful red Dala cottages and magnificent nature. A holiday in Dalarna is something you have to experience at least once in your lifetime. It's great that you're looking at Orsa Grönklitt for your upcoming holiday!

Planning your trip and stay is easy. With us there are lots of fun activities and places to discover all year round.
Below we have gathered some inspiration and tips depending on the type of travel you are or when you plan to visit us!

A warm welcome to Orsa Grönklitt!

The adventure awaits in the mountains, all year around!


Experience the magical winter at Orsa Grönklitt. The winter landscape invites not only fantastic alpine skiing and cross-country skiing, but also fun adventures and experiences like dogsled, snowmobile safari and kids club.


Enjoy a colorfull fall in Sweden with cycling, hiking, trail running, high ropes area and lot´s of more fun activities. Discover the good pantry that the forest has to offer such as blueberries and mushrooms.


Enjoy a magical summer with adventures like hiking, cycling and elk safari. At Orsa Grönklitt you can enjoy an active summer vacation filled with lots of fun things to do, for the whole family!

Vy över stugor och slalombackar i Orsa Grönklitt, träd och mark är täckta av snö

Maps and areas

Alpinåkande pojke med vy utför en pist i Orsa Grönklitt

Book your next adventure

When you pass the Dalälven River on your way north, many people have a long way to go on their journey to the mountains, but you are almost here. 

Deals and offers

During the year, we create favorable offers tailored whether you intend to visit Orsa Grönklitt with the family for a week or enjoy a weekend on your own.